When I’m metal or wood, I help you get home. When I’m flesh and I’m blood, In the darkness I roam. What am I?

Howdy, fellow Riddle Lover!

Here to learn the answer to the riddle,

When I’m metal or wood, I help you get home. When I’m flesh and I’m blood, In the darkness I roam. What am I?

Well, here’s what you’ve been looking for:



Need an explanation, you say?

Well, I got you there too:


Alright, kiddos! Let’s talk about this riddle. So, the riddle is asking about something that can be made of metal or wood and helps you get home, but when it’s flesh and blood, it roams in the darkness. What could it be? Well, the answer is a bat!

You see, when the riddle talks about something made of metal or wood that helps you get home, it’s talking about a baseball bat or a cricket bat. These are things you can use in sports to hit a ball and score points to help your team win the game. And when it says “help you get home,” it’s a little play on words because in some sports, when you hit the ball far enough, you can run around the bases and make it back to home base to score a point for your team.

Now, when the riddle mentions “flesh and blood” and “roaming in the darkness,” it’s talking about a real bat, the animal! Bats are creatures that come out at night and fly around in the dark. They’re not scary, though! They’re actually really cool animals that help keep insect populations in check by eating bugs.

So, the answer to the riddle is a bat because it can be made of metal or wood for sports, helping you “get home,” and it can also be a real animal that roams in the dark. Pretty clever, right?

Well, that’s all for today. See you on the next riddle!

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